Handwriting Analysis

when i was surfing the net yesterday, i bumped into this...it's really interesting and VERY accurate, so just decided to put this up here...
Sonu Nigam
This person's handwriting denotes that his heart rules his head. He is extremely emotional and highly sensitive. Not only is he artistically inclined, he is also gifted with a poetic sense. His power of visualization is very strong.
Though he puts up a happy front, there is an emotional suppression within him that is linked to his past. Presently, he is going through a low phase. Chances are that he has been through a major depression in his life that almost killed his spirit to live.
Nevertheless, he is also spiritually inclined and has intuitive powers…something not many people are blessed with!
His writing clearly suggests that he will always benefit from somebody's support. However, he should be extremely careful with whom he gets into business with for chances are that he might get cheated. Not to mention that he does not possess the required business acumen. Apart from this, mismanagement of finance will be a constant problem with him.
He should also be careful with himself as sudden accidents are indicated. His writing indicates that he had extremely poor health when he was a child. Chances are that he might hurt his spinal chord or his leg in the near future. Problems related to blood pressure are also indicated.
As mentioned before, he is highly emotional. Had he married earlier, his marriage would have broken up by now. Earlier he was extremely possessive. Now of course things have changed. The period 2001 to 2005 is very positive for him. Chances are that in this period he might get married (a love marriage) and his first child will be a baby girl. I suggest that he should start being more aware in whatever he does and should be careful with his emotional relationships.
**nice handwriting huh? its so...well....cute! and the analysis i feel is really quite accurate...freaky even, its amazing how you can tell so much about a person from his handwriting, like his character etc...
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