Interview : Versatile singer Sonu’s take on nationalism

He has a natural bent for news, which follows him like some persistent shadow. Just a week ago, his decision to quit (at his peak as a playback singer) made headlines. But there is some heart-warming news as well. Sonu Nigam, after making his individualistic mark as a playback singer, music show host, actor, talent hunt judge, performer and finally a composer, now creates history by coming out with a song that will be the first-ever Indian track not to be sold to a music company. The patriotic song brimming with nationalistic fervour, ‘Yeh rashtra prem ki bhavana, bas maatra ek hai kaamna...’ has been composed by Deepak Pandit and sung and written by Sonu Nigam, marking also this multi-faceted artiste’s truly remarkable debut as a lyricist. It is also probably Sonu’s first crusade for the upliftment of popular Hindi music as well as national sentiment, both of which seem to have reached its nadir in the last few years.
What is the motivation behind ‘Yeh rashtra prem ki bhavana...’ and how did it happen? Was the song already written by you?
Deepak Pandit, who is the son of Shambhuji of the famous Shankar-Shambhu team and I are working on my next album, which I would term as a little more than just semi-classical. One day he mooted the idea to me and played out his composition. It was extremely inspiring, because a sense of nationalism is the need of the times and this was not the standard kind of deshbhakti song. Deepak told me that the lyrics had not been written. And then something unusual happened - that night I got inspired and started writing to the composition. When I called him up and narrated my lyrics he was thrilled. It was as if the whole thing was pre-ordained. We began to work on the song with the intention of coming out with it on Independence Day. While we were working on the track the Mumbai bomb blasts happened on July 11. This gave our song an added relevance. Someone suggested that we hurry up with the track and release it, but Deepak and I found that too gimmicky and in reprehensible taste. Our original intention was to release it on August 15 and that’s what we are following. However Radio Mirchi has started airing the song. When they heard it, they actually gave me a standing ovation!
Why are you not selling this song to any music company?
Firstly, I have not made this song with the intention of doing business and earning from it. I have funded everything from the recording to the video, which is shamelessly different from anything you have seen, and is conceived by me and directed by Vikram Razdan. The idea is to present something very good and socially relevant to the people. A music company would have made unreasonable demands on both the audio-visual fronts, and we wanted no compromise at all in any aspect. The song will also be available on the Internet, on mobile phones and after a certain date with other radio channels. It will also be aired on several TV channels. Frankly, I am completely amazed at the response we have got for this song. It just proves that that the people are hungry and starved of good products. They crave for them, and we are not giving it to them. Since the song began airing on Radio Mirchi I have got some 15,000 SMS raving about it. This song will destroy myths that today’s GenerationX is not receptive to substantial lyrics and music.
What is the message that you wish to give them?
I have been reading a lot of late, and according to the great spiritual healers the post-1980s generation will be the harbingers of Satyug. This is a cool, chilled-out and open generation that is not stuck-up. Within them however there are two kinds - the Crystalline, who are the emotional lot who will bring in this change through persuasion, and the Indigos, who will achieve it with rebellion. I see a lot of hope in this generation and have a lot of trust in them. We are entering the 60th year of Independence. There is so much more to be done.
Your recent announcement about retiring from singing - does it also have a base in the kind of caliber of songs you are singing?
Definitely. With sporadic exceptions, job satisfaction has been completely missing. I have, for example, recorded some 300 film songs in the last two years alone, but the really popular ones are a dozen or less! So I asked myself, “What am I doing? Why am I singing what I don’t need to?” Those remaining songs have just added to my bank-balance and my numerical record. I am not after that now. How many of my recent songs have had any gaayaki (art) needed? Just the handful that I have sung in Fanaa, Krrish, Kabvhi Alvida Naa Kehna and Lage Raho Munnabhai. Last year it was Parineeta, Paheli and a few others. Among my forthcoming films too there are very few, like Jaan-E-Mann and some others.
But why not remain choosy rather than quitting?
That’s exactly what I am doing - cutting off the chaff that accounts for 90% of my songs. I want to come down from a 100 songs to 10. I want to sit in with classical maestros and explore areas of music that I have never tapped. If possible I would love to teach others whatever I can from what I pick up from them.
You have recently become a radio host. How has the experience been, especially that of interviewing Lata Mangeshkar live?
When they approached me, instinct made me accept the assignment. As for Lata-ji, she liked my show and told me so. So one day I casually asked her whether she would like to be on the show, and she casually replied, “Theek hai, main aati hoon!” It was as simple as that. We saw to it that she got regal treatment, but she was game to carry on even after three-and-a-half hours! We discussed everything from her riyaaz in childhood to her terror of cockroaches!
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I still haven't heard the song. I hope they release it on the internet fast. I;m really not happy about him cutting down on his songs; nowadays there are hardly any movies with his songs, and I've always said to others; "Can you imagine a movie without having at least one Sonu Nigam song???"
Now I can't say that. Because they can. =(
At 9:57 AM, September 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Where do I get this song? This is Pallavi again Sonu.
At 4:50 PM, September 10, 2006,
Khushboo said…
which song?
At 4:30 AM, September 16, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hi Khushboo,
I think Pallavi is referring to Sonu's new patriotic song: "Yeh rashtra prem ki bhavana" This is the first I've heard of it, and am eager to hear and see it.
I was shocked to hear that he's considering quitting. But when I read about his intention of cutting down and singing more meaningful music, I was very happy. His true talent comes out in such songs only, and that is where his voice totally touches my heart! Infact, in his Toronto show on Sept. 10th, he was taking audience requests, and one person asked him to sing Rafi's famous classical song "Laga chunri mein daag". He read that and was surprised, and was unsure if the younger crowd would enjoy, but he sang it anyway. And I cannot tell you the spell he cast on every person there!! I had goosebumps all over!! He got a standing ovation and the applause was deafening!! I don't think he was expecting that because he was completely blown away by the reaction.. he was so sweet and modest though.. he said "Please baith jaayiye nahin toh main ro padoonga"!! :))
Sonu's voice helps me dissolve my sorrows and makes my joys more joyous. Like you said, he keeps me going too! :) He rocks.. totally!!! :)
At 12:35 PM, September 16, 2006,
Khushboo said…
ohh. i havent't been able to get hold of the song yet... I'll post here as soon as I find out...
wow hina, i'm glad u told me about your experience abt the mohd rafi song at the concert. it brings to light yet another sweet side of sonu... "ro padoonga!" :) that's so nice and sweet of him!! oh no i wish i'd been there!! but yeah thanks a lot for telling me :)
well yeah i guess it's better if he sings more meaningful songs...haha i hope music directors can churn out a lot of meaningful songs because i don't really want sonu to become hard to this age where new singers are popping up everywhere...
At 12:49 AM, January 31, 2007,
sonu nigams rare fan said…
hi guys..i,m very pleased to see this site cos it looks like we have genuine sonu nigam fans..anyway i wud just like to say iam a huge sonu nigam fan..also he is my guru as i,m a singer..we have met 100,s of times..i have been a fan since 1992..we are good if any one is confused about anything or just wanna know somthing i,m here..i also have a massive collection of his music..khushboo u,re doing a great job keep it up
At 12:54 AM, January 31, 2007,
sonu nigams rare fan said…
just to add..the song..
laaga chunri mein daag is sung by manna dey and not mohd rafi..
i have been collecting and studying mohd rafi songs for a long time and have put my life in it..
At 3:11 PM, January 31, 2007,
Khushboo said…
hey 'rare fan'!! it was great to see ur comments. thanks for the encouragement! sadly, i'm forced toput the updating of this site on a temporary hiatus because i have A levels this year. i'll update when i can..but i'm afraid it won't be very often. really good to hear you've met him hundreds of times..that's really cool. do put in a word for me when u see him next =)
and do ask him to hurry up with his own
At 12:06 AM, February 01, 2007,
sonu nigams rare fan said…
Khusboo ji…….
Sonu ji is busy at the moment..busy meaning enjoying his u know he is on his massive world tour..and is doing really great..I just seen some of his videos last nite.. a live show in kabul..AMAZING !! and heard his new song 'haath se haath mila in a fantastic recording also seen his new video''from hope and a little sugar in which he has made a very special appearence and looks realy cool..even his radio city stuff is realy behind..but all will be revealed soon..He has 2 new albums this year..The started off classical album is now a bit different..and is not totally classical but has various styles of sonu ji said a few days ago..this is my best album up 2 date... I can,t wait 2 hear it myself..Sonu nigam is a very nice and down 2 earth person..everybody wants 2 meet him..but people dont understand he can,t meet everyone...its impossible..he is the only singer who allows all his fans 2 shake his hands while he is on thats really cool..Sonu ji has sang in many languages including..Hindi Punjabi..Malayam.Telugu..Bengali...
Kannada..Tamil..English..many people used to say kumar sanu and udit narayan will never be beaten and are here to stay forever. but that is not the case 2day..Its very simple you have 2 be a versatile artist 2 stay successfull in the mumbai film all time favourites
mohd rafi-1940 to 1980
ahabbir kumar-1980 to 1990
mohd aziz-1980 to 1990
anwar-1975 to 1990,s
i also liked..kumar sanu,udit narayan
vinod rathod and abhijeet
in the 1990,s
I have talked to many artists but they always have an excuse not to talk for long and make out they are busy..but everytime i speak 2 sonu ji he always has time for me and anyone i take with me who wants to meet him….
khusboo after talking 2 sonu ji i will let u know when his website will be ready..and tell him i have found a really cute fan of your,s…..a khushboo aggarwal!!
are you punjabi ?? cos i am
At 3:32 PM, August 18, 2007,
Anonymous said…
please provide me the lyrics of the beautiful song 'yeh rashtra prem ki bhavana'.
At 7:18 PM, August 18, 2007,
Khushboo said…
hi, sorry i haven't been able ti find the lyrics to the song yet.. and i don't have time to write them down myself right now :( you see even this blog is being neglected currently. i'm giving my A levels this year, so very busy! i'll post it as soon as i get hold of them..
At 6:28 AM, August 25, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Hi Khushboo, It is nice to see that there is some action back. I am dying to meet with Sonu for past 12 years. Now it only happens in the dreams - every dream is the same - that I get to host is concert ina baithak informal format with a close knit circle or I know the organizers of a show who introduce me to sonu ji and then again the same story ; his versatility his ability to sing Half Ticket ka song aake seedhi and Ek chaturnar playing all 3 roles.. I just want to talk to him for 30 minutes and I think that will be good to for the rest of my life... Finally, i got an opportunity to see the music personified musician and couldnt stop crying but never had a chance to talk to him. I wish I could. I hope he realeases a recording of all the great classics like Laga chunrey, aake seedhi, ek chatur naar, kabhi khud pe and so on. You can never get enough of sonu.
At 6:33 AM, August 25, 2007,
Anonymous said…
khushbooji .. i forgot to sign off in the end This is Pallavu - if you could then please do watch start voice of india latest episode and even indian idol where sonu really is encouraging and clear and honest with his comments. He looks amazing and it was so gr88 to know that he is already a father of the little Nevaan Nigam. It seems as if I watched him on Zee antakshari special episode very recently - cant believe it has been more than 12 years.
Pallavi (PD)
At 6:33 AM, August 25, 2007,
Anonymous said…
khushbooji .. i forgot to sign off in the end This is Pallavu - if you could then please do watch start voice of india latest episode and even indian idol where sonu really is encouraging and clear and honest with his comments. He looks amazing and it was so gr88 to know that he is already a father of the little Nevaan Nigam. It seems as if I watched him on Zee antakshari special episode very recently - cant believe it has been more than 12 years.
Pallavi (PD)
At 1:00 AM, May 06, 2008,
Pratik Maheshwari said…
Hi Khushboo,
Seems that u r a BIG fan sonu..same awesome singer..with heaven like versatility...was just searching for some of his incidents of struggling years..if u cud get hold on somethin then do lemme know..n btw i m also a bit into mayb it wud inspire me...hope to hear from u soon..BOL(best of luck)..
keep smilin..[:)]
At 4:40 PM, July 02, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Grab a free Sonu Nigam Music widget for your Blogs/Wordpress/Orkut from the below link,
You can check Sonu's profile from,
At 4:42 PM, July 02, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Grab a free Sonu Nigam Music widget for your Blogs/Wordpress/Orkut from the below link,
Also, check Sonu's profile/biography from,
At 8:51 PM, November 25, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Hi, check out my new site for everything related to Sonu!
At 1:53 PM, December 11, 2008,
Anonymous said…
hi sonuji i have a 4 mth old baby boy his name is rayaan who likes to listen to your song from sangharsh mujhe raat din when he is crying a lot we play this song and he falls asleep actually his dad is a very big fan of your singing and amongst the chosen list this song is his favourite so we downloaded in our mobile and we make him listen to this song
may god bless you with all the best things in life and grant you a extremely good health pls dont stop singing we want to listen more from you
At 4:22 AM, February 14, 2010,
jiya said…
i am huge fan of sonu nigam,he als sing a great shabad.. i heard mere man prem lago har teer.. take out more cd's of shabad and gurbani..
At 4:23 AM, February 14, 2010,
jiya said…
i am huge fan of sonu nigam,he als sing a great shabad.. i heard mere man prem lago har teer.. take out more cd's of shabad and gurbani..
At 7:56 PM, September 24, 2010,
jhony said…
hello sonu bhaiya you are the no1 singer for our state bihar.please isi tarah gungunate raho.
At 7:57 PM, September 24, 2010,
jhony said…
apne jo mj ka look rakha hai wo appe kub jachta hai
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